Friday, September 21, 2012

Semi-Annual Reporting of Dangerous Drugs

Are you new in submitting semi-annual reports of dangerous drugs in PDEA? Are you afraid that what you have reported and written in your dangerous drug books are enough and non violative? I tell you, you do not have to worry about submitting your reports, because it takes minutes to submit and check them. People there are very kind and approachable. I will tell you about the experiences I had before and until now.

Usually the dangerous drugs are inscribed in an official DOH prescription in which the doctors who hold S2-license or registered are authorized to prescribe them.The official DOH prescription is known to be as "Yellow prescription". The yellow prescription is filed and written in the dangerous drug book that contains the date sold, the information of the patient, the doctor, served quantity and balance, date of purchase of the DD and where it came from, and the initial balance. These must be filled up and the information must be factual. The important thing in here is to check the doctor's S2- license number. Violations are caught in here, for retailers, because of serving a yellow prescription which the S2-license of the doctor is expired or unregistered. So, be careful on that and be vigilant. Also, I remind you to keep all yellow prescription for verification.

When reporting comes, that happens in January 1 - 15( reports covered from July to December of the previous year), and July 1 - 15 ( reports covered from January to June of the current year), there is only one place to go for submission and that is in main office of PDEA in Quezon City. Things to be brought are the dangerous drugs and the reports. I can say that in PDEA it is so organized and systematic. Before going to the concern office, the information desk has to examine your papers first. When lacking, you do not need to pursue it, but to return when all the documents are completed. When everything is sufficient you are to go to the next step.

Reporting and Submission Proper

When your are ready and everything of the requirements is with you ( the dangerous drug books and reports which must be in two copies), you are to wait in the assemble hall located in the main building of PDEA. I was there sitting in line, moving to the next chair everytime one is being checked his/her reports and dangerous drug book/s. Then it was my turn. The officer told me to open the dangerous drug book in the last page (because in here he signs and dates implying the the DDB is checked). The reports are also signed and dated. The officer told me to find the drugstore I employed so that I can sign, the date I submitted, write my contact no and how many DDB reviewed. The officers came from compliance service department. Finally, the first copy is their file copy and the other is returned to me as a proof that the reports are received by them and I have submitted my semi-annual reports. Always, when deadline is near, the submission is many and they need to issue counter number to avoid confusion and chaos. I can say that the best time you submit your reports is in the first few days after the start of submission because few submissions are being checked and  you may take around 15 - 30 minutes to submit your reports.

I hope I help you in your problem regarding this matter and I hope I can see your their submitting too!

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