Sunday, January 6, 2013

Clinical Pharmacy

What is Clinical Pharmacy?
CLINICAL PHARMACY is a health science discipline in which pharmacists provide patient care that optimizes medication therapy and promotes health, wellness, and disease prevention.

What is Pharmaceutical Care?
PHARMACEUTICAL CARE is a responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that affect a patient's quality of life. 

What is a Clinical Pharmacist?
CLINICAL PHARMACIST is an individual whose responsibility and accountability for managing medication therapy in direct patient care settings, whether practicing independently or in collaboration or consultation with other health care professionals. Clinical pharmacist is an expert in the therapeutic use of medications, and a primary source of scientific valid information and advice regarding the safe, appropriate, and cost-effective use of medications

What is Collaborative Practice Agreements?
COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE AGREEMENTS is an agreement between pharmacists and physicians that allows pharmacists to:
  • Start, stop, continue, or modify medications
  • Order labs associated with medication therapy
  • Administer medication
  • Perform physical assessment associated with medications or disease state
  • Prescriptive authority is sometimes granted (Questionable function)

Relation Between Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical care are both noble concepts, but the practice of pharmacy needs to move beyond adoption of the words to adoption of the philosophy and be translated into a broad based-action.

Pharmacists as Providers
  • Pharmacists can perform Drug Therapy Management under a Collaborative Practice Agreement
  • The role of Clinical Pharmacists in interdisciplinary teams has increased over time.
  • Accreditation of clinical rotations in hospital and community pharmacies.
  • Accreditation of site for residency program in both hospital and community pharmacies.
  • Close collaboration with chief of pharmacist in teaching hospital.

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