Concentrate on the PACOP review materials. Do
not memorize the letter answer but to understand the question and
remembering the right answer for that certain question.
Self review. It is better to review alone than
to have companion with. Being with others can cause gossip, recess
and laughter, rather when you are alone. Group discussion is the
only advantage of group study.
Attend on a review center. Can attend your
needs and supplication of details needed during examination.
Final coaching. May be some hints in the exam
are given and directly you to what might expect on the exam proper.
Do not read books or scan them anymore. Just
use them in case of any confusion of what is being asked in a
question in the review material for clarification.
Have a full sleep and eat what is proper. Good
sleep means good catch up of the questions and reviews. Good meal
helps you to review properly.
Always be optimistic and not pessimistic. Good
vibes always bring good result. Seeing goodness in your work can
lead you to your goal.
Remember the basics and do away with the
intricate ones. Basic knowledge and stock knowledge are very useful
in review and exam.
Pray earnestly to God and ask for betterment of
your review and disposition of your task.