Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hardest Subjects in Pharmacy Board Examination

Every board exam contenders or examinees are much vexed or anxious about the questions that might appear in the questionnaire. In pharmacy, there are six subjects or modules to take. To be able to pass the board exam, a contender should at least have each subject a 75 percentage weight grade, so that an average percentage weight of 75% will be final result. The board exam percentage is sometimes adjusted with relevant of how many examinees were passed. When the national passing percentage result reached just below 50%, allegedly, the PRC and Board of Pharmacy have the power to adjust the result to reach the 50% passing, and giving the chance to those contenders who are in between to pass. 

But what are the hardest modules in the pharmacy board exam? 

Because pharmacy industry is a very dynamic and versatile profession, the subjects are composed of questions pertinent to different areas within the profession. Either administrative, industrial, health care or clinical, we are fit to work. Thus, subjects are related to those said areas.

The six subjects are PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY, PHAMACOGNOSY, PRACTICE OF PHARMACY, PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMACOKINETICS, PHARMACEUTICS and QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL. These subjects are all tackled and included in the syllabuses and semesters of a pharmacy student, so that students have the basic knowledge and skills on each specific subject. According to takers and passers, the hardest subjects on the six modules are the module 3 and 4. Because in Practice of Pharmacy, and Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, the questions are not anticipated and basic knowledge must possess to answer the questions. It is not just a simple multiple choice, but choosing the best answer should be done to pick the right answer. Also, a mixture of all the subjects can produce in the module 3. A combination of calculations, chemistry, application of pharmacy can feasibly expected to come out. In module 4, questions maybe situational and application of use of drugs.

They only way to prepare for the board exam and to fully achieve the so called RPh, I advice students to take note and give importance to the basic learnings and basic knowledge to their studies. Stock knowledge is very essential and useful when the time of your breaking through to become a registered pharmacist taken place. Good Luck!

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