Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Acne and Its Treatment

What is Acne?
Acne vulgaris, commonly known as acne, is a condition of the skin whereas the oil gland at base of the hair follicle is blocked and infected by microorganisms that cause inflammation, bump and lesion into the skin. It usually occurs in puberty stage up to adulthood. Adolescence stage where secondary physical features are being developed rapidly, and hormones are imbalanced, such as increased of androgen hormone in the body that activates oil glands to produce sebum. The sebum can be the culprit of blocking the pore or right infestation of microorganisms. Other main cause of acne are genetic, psychological, infectious and diet. These can be correlated with the origin of acne.

Acne can leave an atrophic scar into the skin that can be difficult to treat. These scars are hardly to hide because of their obviousness and recess in the skin. A lot of teenagers want to avoid acne because of physical, emotional and psychological problems that can bring. Commonly acne starts on simple growth of pimple but later on the peak of puberty acne vulgaris will appear and often continues until adulthood, which can be a problem in dealing with people with flawless skin. Acne can be visible in face, back, chest, shoulders and neck .

Though acne is not harmful, it is the most problem of people in their skin around the world. There are different types of it and problems of people can also vary. Types of pimples are comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), papules (pinheads), pustules (pimples), nobules (large papules) and cyst.

Treatment and Management

Most people acquired mild acne and can be treated by topical medications that can be obtained with or without prescription. Over-the-counter medications are easily purchased from pharmacy without written prescription order. Topical medications are in the forms of gels, soaps, pads, creams, lotions and solutions. Gels are recommended for oily skin, and solutions, lotions, and creams are recommended to a sensitive skin. Medications can be obtain in different concentrations and strengths, so that it is advisable to use the lowest strength when firstly use. Effects such as redness, irritations and burning are the first encountered reactions when using them but will disappear when continuous use is done. Consult a doctor when prolonged reactions occurred.

Active ingredient of OTC Medications for Acne

A. Mild Acne
  1. Benzoyl Peroxide – concentrations of 2.5%, 4%, 5.0%, and 10% are available. It is an effective topical medication in the treatment of acne vulgaris. It penetrates the pores openings unchanged and is converted to benzoic acid metabolically within the skin. Less than 5% of an applied dose is fully absorbed from the skin. Mechanism of action can be related with its antimicrobial action against Propionibacterium acnes and to its peeling and comedolytic effects.

  2. Retinoic Acid – known to be tretinoin or all-trans-retinoic acid. It is the acid form of vitamin A. The primary action of retinoic acid against acne is attributed to decreased cohesion between epidermal cells and increased epidermal cell turnover. Pregnant women are not advisable to use this because of any harmful effects that could bring to the fetus.
  3. Resorcinol and Salicylic Acid – both are antiseptic and keratolytic agents. They are effective in peeling process of skin and can be helpful in removing acne immediately.

  4. Hydroxyquinoline – usually combined with benzoyl peroxide and has antibacterial action.

  5. Sulfur and its derivatives – as proven effective in common skin diseases especially in management of pimples and acne. It has antibacterial property that helps to kill microorganisms that initiated sebum blockage or follicular disease.

  6. Azelaic acid – used in management of mild to moderate acne. It belongs to a class of medication called dicarboxylic acids, and primarily works by killing bacteria that infect skin follicles. It also prevents the production of keratin, which is a natural substance that promotes the growth of acne bacteria.

  7. Kojic acid - produced by several species of fungi, especially Aspergillus oryzae, which has the Japanese common name koji. Kojic acid has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is also a mild inhibitor of the formation of pigment in the skin. 
  8. Topical anti-inflammatories – prevents inflammation of the acne and relieves pain.

B. Severe Acne

Management of severe acne must consult a dermatologist to properly control the acne condition and proper prescriptions will be given.
  1. Isotretinoin – is a synthetic retinoid which inhibits sebaceous gland size and function. This oral acne medication must seek an approval of your dermatologist before using it. Pregnant women are not advisable to use this because of any harmful effects that could bring to the fetus.

  2. Corticosteroid Injection – helps to reduce inflammation and promotes faster healing.

  3. Oral antibiotics – are given under the approval of dermatologist. Systemically distributed to eliminate P acnes. They are usually taken for 1 week depending on the regimen given by the doctor, but cannot be taken beyond a month for resistant of bacteria may occur.

  4. Oral contraceptive – helpful in promoting hormonal balanced in the body. The benefits to the skin may be excellent, but adverse effects such as gynecomastia (enlarging of busts), fattening and irritability may be experienced.

  5. Topical antimicrobial – used in acne to eliminate P acnes. Antiseptic and antibacterial action can be achieved. Promotes also faster healing of acne.

  6. Procedural treatment such as comedo extraction, dermabrasion, phototherapy (blue and red light, photodynamic therapy, laser treatment) and surgery can be used in management of acne.
Factors that worsen the acne
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Hot and humid climates
  • Oil based makeups
  • Greasy hair
  • Squeezing the pimples

Caring Your Skin to Prevent Pimples and Acne
  • Wash your face twice daily. Use a mild soap only. Do not scrub your skin. 
    In event that you need to get rid of acne because of an especial event consult you dermatologist.
  • Refrain from touching your face with your hands. Your hands are contaminated by microorganisms every time the hold something.
  • Keep your hands clean with washing them regularly.
  • Anything that contacts to your face must be clean and dry. Clean your hands before touching your face.
  • Wear clothes that can be penetrated by air. Your skin needs to be cooled and breathed.
  • Always clean your face after using make up or before going to sleep.
  • Soaking your skin to sun rays may develop sebum production and keratin that may not helpful in your treatment or management.
  • Hair collects sebum and skin residue. Keep your hair clean and away from your face.
  • Do not sleep up late. Your skin's condition is depending on the hours you sleep.
  • Don't try to burst the pimples. It may lead to more production of acne and later on pit will appear on the scar.

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