The Philippine Pharmacists
Association (PPhA) is advocating the revamp of wages of pharmacists
in the Philippines. PPhA has been proposing and advocating to the law
makers to make the salary, incentives and benefits of pharmacists to
be increased and unified to help the profession and the industry from
insufficient manpower, and immediate come-and-go of pharmacists from
one establishment to another.
The major problems the
pharmaceutical industry are facing this contemporary time are lacking
of pharmacists and having faster post and resignation of pharmacists
from one company to another. The reasons why these problems occur can
be associated with the low enrollees to the Pharmacy Degree, and also
the opportunities and wages from one company to another may differ,
which may be enticing for pharmacists to grab the other companies
offer, which can give them better career growth and better income.
However, this may lead for some establishments to be left behind
without pharmacist or “NO PHARMACIST.” Some problems still facing
by the industry is the rampant hiring of “ghost pharmacists”,
diverted career and unsatisfactory salary.
Thus, at least to resolve
these issues of pharmaceutical profession, the PPhA has proposing a
good fortune for pharmacists, and advocating a better compensation
that are acceptable and ought to be. They overt and appeal to law
makers to pass a law that will alleviate the convenience for
pharmacists, especially the compensation part that they can receive
when they hired to a certain company. The organization is intending
to increase the basic salary of pharmacists with 30% benefits and
exclusively rental fee for their license that should have been done
long ago. The salary may depend still to the experience and highest
educational attainment of pharmacist, but a general salary base must
be set. Benefits included must be SSS premiums, PhilHealth, Pag-ibig,
GSIS (government employs), food allowance, travel allowance and etc.
Also if this law will be applied the rental fee for using
pharmacist's license will be included in the compensation, which the
pharmacists can be enjoyed.
The compensation revamps
have been fully pursuing by the PPhA to attract and instigate high
school graduating students to choose and enroll in Pharmacy Degree.
Such scenario of more students who are taking pharmacy course can
extrapolated the future deployment of sufficient or overwhelming
volume of manpower of pharmacists, therefore, all establishments will
be occupied and no reason not to hire pharmacist anymore. Also to
eliminate the come-and-go of pharmacists that causing the
establishments to have no pharmacists.
These compensation changes
might be included in the amendment of Pharmacy Law. As the
organization is really pursuing to rectify the existing law for the
betterment of privileges and rights of pharmacists. Let us pray and
hope that this might be soon passed and enacted. For your information