Friday, April 5, 2013

Pharmacy Facts That Can Be Useful for Local and State Board Examinations

The following material may be of particular importance on state and local board examinations.
  1. All official dilute acids are 10%w/v, except acetic acid which is 6% w/v. (Both) 

  2. Phenolphthalein gives colorless endpoint in acidic solution and red with basic solution. (Local)

  3. The purpose of NaI or KI in iodine solution or Lugol's solution is to serve as a cosolvent. (Both)

  4. PVT TIM HALL is the mnemonics of ten essential amino acids, which are Phenylalanine, Valine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Methionine, Histidine, Arginine, Leucine and Lysine. (Local)

  5. Aluminum acetate solution (Burrow's solution) must be diluted with 10-40 parts water before use. (Both)

  6. Vitamin D3 is known as cholecalciferol, and significant for efficient calcium absorption. It is activated in skin by sun rays. (Local)

  7. Povidone-iodine (Betadine) 5% solution releases 0.5% free iodine (10:1 ratio) so 30% releases 3% free iodine. Terpin hydrate and codeine elixir = 0.2% codeine and 42% alcohol. White lotion (lotio alba) = 4% zinc sulfate and 4% sulfurated potash. (Local)

  8. The usual dose of magnesium citrate is 200ml (entire bottle). (State)

  9. Specific Gravity is the ratio of the weight of a substance in air at 25oC to the weight of an equal volume of substance at the same temperature. Water is the usual standard for the specific gravities of liquids and solids; the most useful standard for gases is hydrogen. (Local)

  10. Density is the mass per unit of a substance. (Local)

  11. Simple syrup requires no preservative because of the absence of free water. (Both)

  12. Most biologicals are stored at between 2-8oC (refrigerator) with the exception of yellow fever vaccine, smallpox vaccine, and live oral polio vaccine which must be stored at 0oC (freezer). (Both)

  13. Parasympathetic (Cholinergic) is the rest and digest system; dominant during tranquil conditions. Sympathetic (Adrenergic) is the fight or flight symtem; dominant during stressful situations. (Local)

  14. Tincture of potent drugs are 10%, while nonpotent drug tincture are 20%. (State)

  15. Fluidextracts are considered “100% tinctures” (or 1g of drug milliliter). (State)

  16. HLB stands for “hydrophilic lipophilic balance” and an HLB value of 3-6 will give a w/o emulsion while an 8-18 value will give you o/w. (State)

  17. Insulin's packaging is color coded relative to the strength and type (e.g., red indicates 40units/ml, green 80units/ml, and orange 100units/ml). (State)

  18. Drugs that can be steam sterilized should be done so under 15lb of pressure at 121oC for 20 minutes. (Both)

  19. The number of X's on a bottle of witch hazel represents the number of times it has been distilled. (State)

  20. Ratio and proportion is the general formula or method in calculating and solving of almost all pharmacy calculations. (Local)

  21. In converting adult dosages to infant dosages, you may use one o the following formulas:
    A. Young's Rule (for patients two years and over):
      {Age (in years)/[age (in years)+12]} x adult dose = child's dose
    B. Fried's Rule (patients one year of age):
      [age (in months)/150] x adult dose = child's dose
    C. Clark's Rule (two years and older):
      [weight (in lb)/150] x adult dose = child's dose
    D. Surface area: Is the most accurate method since it uses a nomogram composed of height and weight which is thought to correlate the physiologic activity with the surface area. (State)

  22. Cold place” temperature dose does not exceed 8oC; A refrigerator is a cold place held between 2 – 8oC. (Both)

  23. Cool place” is a temperature between 8 – 15oC. (Both)

  24. Excessive heat” is a temperature above 40oC. (Both)

  25. Percentage strengths:
    A. Percentage weight in weight (w/w) represents the number of grams of a constituent in a 100g of a preparation.
    B. Percentage weight in volume (w/v) represents the number of grams of a constituent in 100 ml of a preparation.
    C. Percentage volume in volume (v/v) represents the number of milliliters of a constituent in 100ml of a preparation. (Both)

  26. When using calcium hydroxide (lime water), it should not be shaken. (Both)

  27. Sucrose hydrolyzes into dextrose (glucose) and fructose (levulose) which are referred to as inverted sugars. (Both)

  28. Ipecac syrup” is used as an emetic in doses of 15ml and should not be confused with the “fluid extract of ipecac” which has a dose of 0.5 – 1.0ml. (State)

  29. Thixatrophy occurs when a solution is allowed to stand and become a gel; upon agitation it returns to solution (e.g., bentonite magma). (Both)

  30. Incorrect prescriptions can be classified as erroneous, violative or impossible prescription. (Local)

  31. These methods for preparation of emulsion are:
    A. Continental or dry gum method for fixed oils requires mixture of one part acacia with four parts oil and then two parts water (4:2:1).
    B. English or wet gum method for fixed oils requires mixing of one part acacia with two parts water and then four parts oil (4:2:1).
    C. Bottle or Forbes' method for oleaginous or volatile substances requires placing one part acacia in bottle, then placing two parts oil and then two parts water are added (2:2:1). (Both)

  32. Cocoa butter should not be overheated since it can form a metastable from which will melt below room temperature. (Both)

  33. The number following polyethylene glycol represents its average molecular weight (PEG 400), while the number following methylcellulose represents its viscosity in centerpoise (methylcellulose 4000). (Both)

  34. Glycerin suppositories are used in constipation and contain sodium stearate as a solidifying agent. (Both)

  35. Vitamins A, D, E and K (ADEK) are fat soluble vitamins, while, Vitamins B and C are water soluble vitamins. (Local)

  36. Cation in intracellular cell is potassium, and in extracellular cell is sodium. PISO is the mnemonics which means Potassium In, Sodium Out. (Local)

  37. Precipitated sulfur should always be used in compounding (in place of sublimed sulfur). (State)

  38. Calamine lotion = 8% zinc oxide and 8% calamine, which is 98% zinc oxide and 2% ferric oxide. (Both)

  39. Paregoric tincture = 0.4% of anhydrous morphine (40mg morphine per 1000ml). (State)
Both → Local and State Board Exam
State → USA Board Exam
Local → Philippine Board Exam

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